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May 30, 2023


This is the one we wish was real the most.


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Then... irony of ironies... put real poo in the box and watch the merriment begin.

Can the spit & slide be upgraded to a drool-a-pool?

The real prank is showing that people will pay $9 a pop for an empty box.

I'm not about to pay nine bucks for an empty box. If I buy Float-a-Poo, I expect there to be Float-a-Poo in it!

This is a rip off of the swimming pool prank in the movie Caddy Shack where somebody drops a Baby Ruth candy bar into the pool and the swimmers get out of the pool fast.


I don't know man, If butterfly wings are so impactful, what would thousands of sh*t bags floating around the atmosphere create? This might be the entire plot of my next novel.

Eh... no box needed. All you need is some big ziplock bags ... and a big dog to follow around ....

Remember that "weather" balloon from China that floated across the US? Just sayin'

Now do Congress.

I am still in favor of the poo in a bag, paper bag that is, that is easily lighted on fire and left on somebody's porch. Or maybe carry one along with you when walking your dog, such as if somebody challenges you about cleaning up after your dog you can show them the poo bag and smile.

Have to refer to an early version of all this in the story of Winnie the Pooh where there was a game called Pooh Sticks where the stick was dropped from one side of a bridge and the participants ran to the other side of the bridge to see which stick was ahead.

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