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May 18, 2023


On Jan. 5 the U.S. Navy received a 20-year U.S. patent for a method that is essentially designed to “feed the bad bugs metal so they stick to a magnet.”

(Thanks to EricY)


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They got the idea from watching Wile E Coyote put bearings in the bird seed.

So finally the truth about The Philadelphia Experiment is revealed?

According to TechLink, “Bertrand’s work was for the Deployed War-Fighter Protection Program, which aimed to improve soldier health through pest control.

They could also improve soldier health by .. work with me here ..
not engaging in war. (what a concept)

Who imported the Fire Ants, and why would you do that? What is wrong with people?

@ Mr. Bill -
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):
Two species of imported fire ants were unintentionally introduced from South America into the port of Mobile, Alabama, almost 100 years ago.
The black imported fire ant arrived around 1918 and the red fire ant in the late 1930s. Both species probably came in soil used as ballast in cargo ships.

I guess if the flies and mosquitos eat enough of the stuff, they won't be able to take off.

@CitizenKing, will someone be present to play "All Those Endearing Young Charms"?

Rube Goldberg would make a machine based on this concept.

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