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May 16, 2023


Seriously, no.

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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I'm pretty sure we've seen this here before.

@Sue-H - agree.
Dave, did Judi sneak in the back door again?

Dude, if your friends and family won't tell you, the blog will: you look like a freakin' idiot.

Hey! No fair! This style isn’t possible for men with male pattern baldness because we can’t grow the part that goes over the top on the head.

Taking ring-around-the-collar to a whole new level.

I thought a circle jerk was something totally different...

@Math Yoda - those who are so affected and want to look like an idiot can always substitute with a hairy hairband.

YES, especially since the average IQ is going down.

There is a reason each of these guys is pictured alone.

A nod to Steverino - the same thing happens right there at DBBlog Headquarters! When judi goes home at the end of the day, the average IQ on the DB Bridge drops so low so fast that it is like somebody had suddenly sucked the oxygen out of the room. Fortunately Walter is relatively immune to these effects and so he is able to keep the ship on an even keel thru the turbulence.

dammit judi

Just add a tail to the nose and you have a prize horses patootie.

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