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May 29, 2023


Have a good one. But please remember -- and remind your kids -- what it's about.


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Thanks for the clarification Dave. All this time I thought Decoration Day was the cut off date for Christmas ornaments, meaning that if they weren't down by now it was considered OK to leave them up for the next holiday season, also good to know that wasn't why the Civil War occurred.

Remembering my brother, who fought in WW2


Like the
Stewart heroes
At Bannockburn
And Culloden
He marched to war
Despite the fear
Boiling inside him
He never talked
About his experiences
in France
But he came back
A part of the
Greatest generation
One by one marching
In unison for God
And country making
A normal life well lived.

^5 @anthony hight stewart

Salute to those who died for our freedom.

I thought Memorial Day was the beginning of the summer rowdy season.

War Tunes

Lightly *SMACKS* Anthony Hight Stewart for making me cry.

^5 To Fortunate Son

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