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May 31, 2023


Toothpaste thief caught with $2,100 worth of tubes

(Thanks to Ralph)


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No toothpaste, just tubes?

Sounds like somebody got some bad prepping advice.

Fluoride addiction is just such a sad story.

You never see toothpaste commercials on TV anymore. I wonder why ? They used to be very entertaining ( Ultra Brite: " sex appeal "... Ipana: : Bucky Beaver " ) Maybe it's because no one is watching TV anymore.

The perp attempted to brush past employees and RCMP, but his attempt was flossed.

Maybe he needed the tubes for the upcoming Halitosis Anonymous summit. (which is, admittedly, an oxymoron)

Still won't get rid of cigar breath.

So Canada is going down the tubes, eh?

You cannot be too careful about your oral health. Except when you decide to shoot off your mouth. Then you won't need all this dentifrice.

Surprised he wanted tubes. They use integrated circuits, now.

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