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May 23, 2023


A 30-ton shipment of explosive chemicals traveling from Wyoming to California by rail disappeared en route, officials say

(Thanks to MOTW and Robert Moats)


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Overheard: Oopsie

Intercepted by the Oregon Highway Department?

Dang it, cfjk beat me to it.

The fourth of July is coming so the state of Oregon was stocking up on fireworks for the beach celebration. Next, expect to see a pod of whales disappear. Would be great to see Concert Camilla make an appearance - the Queen of Whales. No wait, I guess that would be Kate, Princess of Whales. All the better I say. Hard to tell Cammy from those celebrants that wash up on the beach.

Are they sure it wasn't just rerouted to coastal Oregon?

Prepare for another big bombing. Once you have that much ammonium nitrate, adding some diesel fuel to it makes a big bang.

They call the stuff ANFO.

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