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May 30, 2023


Woman wins UK cheese rolling race despite being knocked unconscious

(Thanks to many people)


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So she experienced the thrill of victory and the agony of falling off de feet.

I say we combine this with the Running of the Bulls and get both events done at the same time.

It's good to see that serious athletic events like this are treated with the utmost gravity.

On the one hand, I'm a little disappointed that the mishap didn't involve a direct cheese bonk, but I'm relieved that she wasn't crushed by a runaway gouda.

So on to the Olympics for her now?

Prank Pack has exploding fake sheep. Install one in your field and let the merriment begin.

Key Quote: “I don’t think you can train for it, can you? It’s just being an idiot.”

I notice they didn't mention that an AMERICAN man won.

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