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May 18, 2023


Check your shoes for snakes

(Thanks to Rick Day)


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Is this the 2023 version of penny loafers?

Sort of like picking out a book to read - you don't know if it is going to be funny until you read it. That is why I always go to the book signings cause if the book is not funny I can always tell the author right there I want my money back.

Also, never store your shoes in or near the toilet.

What a great idea for a small business, an idea inspired by that Irish musician, that Pied Piper. You could advertise your services as a pest controller to rid a home of snakes with out the use of harmful chemicals or traps. Just set a bunch of old shoes and toilets around a house and wait for all the snakes to crawl in, and then, just pick up the shoes and toilets. Voila, no snakes, no residual chemicals, no traps. Working on a similar idea for offing squirrels.

"The best way to avoid such an encounter in the first place? Keep your shoes inside!"

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Check your bath water for sharks too.

Still better than somebody finding your shoes (among other things) inside a snake.

Heck, here in Texas, checking for snakes is just part of the everyday routine of putting your shoes on.

I think my contemplation of getting a nice pair of snakeskin boots may have just ended.

Also don't keep your shoes in the bar manager's desk drawer.

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