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April 14, 2023


Man Who Stole $7,500 Bottle Of Scotch In His Crotch Gets Probation, Will Be Able To Stay In U.S.

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)


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Scotch in the Crotch was one of Dr. Seuss's earlier efforts, before he really found his niche.

The people at Bud Light issued this statement, "We have no comment. In addition we have no intention of offending the bottle, the Scotch or his Crotch. Can someone loan us a dime."

This is one reason you might have scotch in your crotch (probably an old vaudeville joke).
Q. Do you drink much?
A. No, I spill most of it.

Is this the Bud Light approach to aging Scotch?

Boxers or tighty-whiteys?

Is "Scotch in the Crotch" related to "Ants in the Pants"?

If he had tape worms, and he drank the whisky, he would have scotch tape worms.

Guess you could call him "Mr Scotch on the Rocks".

Was this one of those guys who came in not first in the recent scrotum size research study this Blog thoroughly evaluated a couple of weeks ago?

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