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April 27, 2023


Sex in Space Is Inevitable—and Scientists Say We Need to Be Ready

(Thanks to Robert Moats, who says "Houston, we have an orgasm.")


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They are going to have to revise the Kama Sutra.

Any comments about flaming out on re-entry yet? No? I'll check back.

Plans are being readied to ride Sally Ride.

I'm thinking it has already happened, more than once. What happens in space, stays in space.

Project Uranus?

And the Mile High Club loses its cachet rather abruptly.

We need to listen to Egbert Edelbroek!!

Key quote: "..even if you can pull it off.."

I suspect it happens with every launch. As you're sitting on top of a rocket made by the lowest bidder, your blood pressure doubles, your heart rate triples, you shake, you sweat, and just generally feel like you're being screwed.

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