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April 18, 2023


I dream of high style and higher thread counts, instead I got audible bowel movements

(Thanks to Robert Moats)


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The kitchen/bathroom - did they stay at a B and Pee?

Isn't audible bowel movements an ASMR YT channel?

I filed this under 'columns written while under the influence of LSD I didn't finish reading'.

From the article: "Still, if readers care to propose solutions, I would welcome a steer."

You might try this: start with decaf.

Penthouse letters has really gone downhill.

1,500 words later, I have no idea what that article was about.

Anybody else reminded of the old joke: How do you make a hormone?

Dear me .. I did not choose to "click here to continue reading" because I have no idea what this person is trying to convey, other than a "Poor Me!" BPM.

"It was my brother who unearthed it when he married his wife, a woman at whom he helpfully cries “real world, real world” when she is endeavouring to run their lives. He, like me, is an expansive, fantasist maniac, prone to over-spending, over-buying, building castles in the air and generally upsetting his spouse’s orderly apple cart. We’re fun, us fantasists, but we’re also a living hell."
I beg to disagree with the "fun" part, but "living hell"? Yeah, let's go with that.

Try headphones.
Also, Audible Bowel Movements WBAGNFARB.

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