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April 17, 2023


A woman is thankful not to have lost her finger after her false nail became stuck in a hefty toilet appliance after she accidentally slipped while flushing

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Just what is a "hefty" toilet appliance?
Will it be used as the latest astronomical unit of measure?

Wasn't "Hefty Toilet Appliance" a grunge band back in the day?

Hefty? So now they're bagging the stuff that goes into the toilet?

“I tripped and it got stuck in there.” That could probably be the title of an ER nurse’s memoir.

By "hefty toilet appliance" do they mean glory-hole?

She too is ready for government service.

"Documenting the whole ordeal on Instagram, the woman's post has racked up 3.8 million views and over 66,000 likes to date."

That's the important thing - upload to social media and get those "likes," "views," and subscriptions to boost your popularity, because nothing validates your worth/value as a human being like social media popularity, right?

@MOTN— Personal dignity is a thing of the past. What was once frowned upon as “airing your dirty laundry in public” is no longer a shame, it’s a requirement. The more cheap, foolish, and tasteless you can appear, the better.

I saw that woman in public - she was walking around with a whole toilet on the end of her arm. Guess she decided that she wanted to keep the finger and nail and would just drag that appliance on the end of her arm.

A snake would probably have gotten her sooner or later.

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