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April 27, 2023


Exorcist saw 'possessed' 5ft nun crawl up wall 'like a squirrel' and 'overpower six men'

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)


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Watch out... She has a yardstick !

In her defense, the Devil made her do it.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

The very fact that a nun is 'possessed' means that whole belief system is not working. How do they determine the nun is possessed - is there some of a test or something?

Please select one of the below that provides the most right answer:

1. Are you possessed?
2. Do you feel kinship with gargoyles?
3. Do you have any bad habits?
4. Do you feel kinship with penguins?
5. Nun of the above?

Sister Mary Stigmata?

Could this be a sighting of one of those dwarf bullfighters we hear so much about?

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