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April 17, 2023


Will world’s first edible battery supercharge our diets?

(Thanks to Barry Nester)


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Oscar Meyer Lunchables - American cheese with edible lithium battery. Preservatives not to exceed more than one volt. Also two fake electrically charged Oreo cookies.

Warning: Hallucinogenic crackers.

I guess if it's in your stomach, it'll never go dead for a lack of acid.

Welcome to Zappa Futura. My name is Giuseppe and I’ll be your server. Today’s specials are Diodes Marsala, Linguini in Garlic and White Ion Sauce, and Chicken Transistore served with a side of Silicon Chips. I’ll bring some homemade Bread and imported Ohm Oil and give you a few moments to decide.

They said it's made of food grade components not meant to be eaten, so basically tofu?

Have with a salt.

It may be the world's first *rechargeable* edible battery, but potato batteries have been around as a science experiment for over fifty years (see Google).

Just make sure your wear you electrical shorts when dining.

I suggest they make use of the wonderful electrical-generating qualities of the Coronation Quiche.

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