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April 26, 2023


Parrots learn to make video calls to chat with other parrots, then develop friendships, Northeastern University researchers say

(Thanks to Stan Ruth and George Gillson)


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As if we didn't have enough issues already with teens and their phones...

Operation mocking bird?

Parrot: " Awk ! "
Magpie: " Wrong number. "
Parrot: " X%#$& ! "

"Hello, is this Amaz0n?"
"Er, .... yes ...."
"I'd like to speak with my brother Chico, please."
"Um .... what? There's no one here by that name, sir."
"Chico. From the Amaz0n."
[To co-workers, with phone on mute]: "Someone get Jeff ...."

Too funny, Meanie the Blue!

Just another reason NOT TO USE WIFI.

Wait 'til they start issuing each other TikTok challenges.

The roaming charges must be off the charts.

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