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April 28, 2023


In a fascinating breakthrough, 2 babies were born after being fertilized by a sperm that came from a robot.

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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But are they good kissers?

This is just the modern version of getting impregnated by a turkey baster.

Your "lubricant" joke here.

Is there a strong family resemblance?

Tobor gets lucky.

So do they look like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Well, this doesn't appear to violate any of "The Three Laws of Robotics".

The bad news is the children have a 1-bit, write-only memory and can communicate only on a 2G network.


So how do they get the robot excited enough to perform this miracle ejaculation - show it photos of old Apple Macintosh computers, IBM punch cards, or maybe Robbie the Robot from the Lost in Space TV series? Or run an 8-inch floppy disk thru its disk drive?

Reminds me of this clip. "Have you decreased in mass?" was always a great line.

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