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April 16, 2023


A woman got upset for some reason while at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru and decided to get out of her car to argue with the hardworking staff who were serving her. She ended up losing the argument when her car started rolling away. She chased after it without catching the car as it rolled through the parking lot, over a tree, and down an embankment, where it disappeared from view.

(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "Instant carma.")


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The "drive-thru" concept still eludes some people after all these years.

I like how the one worker was signaling "Touchdown!" Or maybe a field goal?

Pretty freaking dumb, lady.

Learn the concept of "Park" next time, or learn to run faster.

"Rolled through the parking lot, over a tree, and down an embankment, where it disappeared from view." ...to Grandmother's house we go!

I wonder if Chick-Fil-A offered her a free order of waffle fries to make her feel better?

"Hello, you've reached State Farm."

"I was involved in an accident at a restaurant drive thru and my car sustained considerable damage."

"Is there any video of the incident?"

"There are rumors."

I don't believe any of this - it says right up front "... the hardworking Chick-fil-A staff ..." Right there you could tell that the whole thing was a fabrication. Was hoping this would be a story about the T-90 tank and how the irate tanker blew the whole drive up feature off the earth.

"Karen evasion protocol activated."

I'm convinced that as the woman chased her car, at least one employee called out "My pleasure"

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