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April 23, 2023


Mouse Study Suggests an Unexpected Link Between Nose-Picking And Alzheimer's

(Thanks to Matt Filar)

This headline suggests that there was an expected link between nose-picking and Alzheimer's.


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"Booger" - Dr. Johnny Fever

What were we talking about?

I'm guessing Oldtimer's disease occurs about 6-10 inches deeper?

Everybody's doin' it, doin' it...I forgot the rest.

Old West cowboy insult number 35:

"You ain't nuthin' but an amyloid beta protein depositing mouse brain!"

Time to invest in nail trimmer makers.

I heard it as:

You can pick your friends &
You can pick your nose, but
You can't wipe your friends nose on the sofa.

Seeing as how picking your nose starts from the earliest age, there is a great deal of muscle memory involved so I can see where this facility would carry over into the golden years. Or even when you go to a ball game and you pick your seat.

Technically, mice can pick their noses but in reality very few of them can afford cosmetic surgery.

Yeah, if you don't pick your nose, that stuff backs up and leads to oldtimers.

Call me Goofy, but wasn't that how Disney died? His favorite Mouse kept picking his nose and and Walt got Alzheimer's.

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