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April 14, 2023


No charges for man on rollerblades who evaded police on Hamilton, Ont., highway

(Thanks to Barry Nester)

Vancouver rodents celebrate rat poison ban with massive street party

(Thanks to B&C)

Toronto to host a return visit from the world’s largest rubber duck

(Thanks to EricY)


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It seems our neighbors to the north are having some difficulty getting their minds wrapped around the concept of a rat czar.

There would only expected to be charges if he was riding an electric skateboard.

Oh rats!

IF I had a dime for every rat I saw in the streets ... Wait, skip those filthy rats, I am heading over to Wal Mart where there's dimes just for the picking.

This decline in the Canadian culture started when the Bricklin failed to impress and went under. Even Gordon Lightfoot could not save Canada. Then again, he made his money singing about a famous wreck. And so it goes.

I saw this duck when in floated into Long Beach Ca about a decade ago. Don't inflate your hopes...

"Rubber ducky, you're the one..."

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