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April 14, 2023


Kourtney Kardashian's son Reign begged her to 'say poop' into a microphone while she and Travis Barker were giving their wedding reception speech

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)



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The question is whether to reactivate my Hulu subscription for the wedding special, or wait for the divorce proceedings, where "poop" will also be said in some form.

Yeah, Kourtney should have asked Kanye to whip out his compass and come up with an equally great name for her son as North.

KK's son's diary entry for Friday: "Reigned all day."

No. Just no.

Italy? I thought it was Reign in Spain...

Seems an odd time for the kid to critique his mom's show.

Five star ***** snork to @Ralph

Here's a reason why Reign might have been saying that:
Reign Kardashian -->
Snaking diarrhea

Obviously a worthy scion.

The groom looks like he was just released from Riker's Island.

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