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April 25, 2023


The Belgian coastal town of De Panne organised on Sunday the third European seagull screeching championship

(Thanks to Ralph)


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"Each was judged by a professional jury". Did you know that judging seagull shrieks was a profession? Or did they import Blackpool Zoo's bird costume-wearing human seagull deterrents?

Are the contestants supposed to try to behave like a seagull?

Jonathan Livingston Seagull: "Be the screech."

Soon to be a bit on JKL, ala JC's The Tonight Show?

Under no circumstances should these Belgians ever become citizens of Australia or Florida.

If they really want to imitate gulls, it's not their vocalizations they most need to copy.

How about a follow-on competition, where participants have to defecate a load that looks most like that of a seagull. And two divisions - one while flying and one while squatting on some eating or sitting surface.

Men uchun sport - bu professional mashg'ulotdan ko'ra ko'proq sevimli mashg'ulot va yoqimli vaqt, lekin men bu qanday va nima sodir bo'layotganini, jamoalar qayerda va qanday o'ynashini va hokazolarni yaxshi bilaman. Balki mening bilimlarim bu yerda mostbet yutishimga yordam beradi. Agar ular bo'lmaganida, men umuman hech narsa yuta olmagan bo'lardim.

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