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April 19, 2023


Cube-shaped creature with 24 eyes discovered hiding in pond in Hong Kong

(Thanks to Barry Nester)


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Their glasses must be really expensive.

No different than Florida tourists and residents

" they found a cube-shaped 24-eyed creature "

Looks like the Kardashians finally have some competition.

Not in Florida, (yet)?

Tripedalia maipoensis, is when your take a trip daily with my penis. And yes, I am unclear on the concept.

Here's lookin' at you, Kid!

I want my Maipo!

Can see the hazing of the youth - "Hey, 24-eyes, your shoe is untied."

Cube shaped and 24 eyes. I would have to lose three eyes to be a die.

Coming to a theater near you.....
"Spawn of Fang Fang"

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