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March 29, 2023


Japanese Penis Festival shrine distances itself from penis mascot

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker and Ralph)

Another version: Japanese penis festival says fake phallic mascot is making things really hard

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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This has been your hard news reporting from Japan for today.

Different strokes, for different folks.

Obviously, the festival needs an official mascot. I suggest one of Elon Musk's rockets that they couldn't manage to launch. Those look pretty penile.

The parade organizer ejaculated, "People worked hard on this float, we should consider that." Can see where Goodyear or Goodrich would want to enter a large condom just to show that the industry is thinking about you who still want to have sex responsibly.

This festival should be held in Florida perhaps there would be fewer people complaining about Classical statues?

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