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March 13, 2023


Brits tell Russia: There’s nothing wrong with eating squirrel

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)


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Well, sure there's nothing wrong with it, but the oligarchs are much tastier.

I'll bet Marie Antoinette would have had something to say about this.

On the plus side, everything goes well with vodka.

Let's hope they listen. Because if the Russians start eating the squirrels, soon we can be rid of 1) the squirrels, and 2) the Russians.

Once the squirrels are gone they can start on baboons.

But suggest they try squirrel Romanov, baboon Romanov, etc.

Or they could hold a Donner Party in Russia where everybody eats everybody - but bring a date.

I have a confession to make. I once ate squirrel. In my defense I didn't know what it was because it was in a stew. I did learn an important lesson though. After that I always asked about the meat in anything especially when I was at a Georgia family reunion.

So, nursecindy, does your family meals include individual glasses of syrup of ipecac? Does the grace before dinner include a prayer for any or all present are well versed in the Heimlich?

Good ol' Southerners have been doing this for years. Squirrel is one of the ingrediencies in Brunswick Stew.

"Cook that possum good and brown, put them sweet taters round and round..."

Dear Pullet Surprise:


I am not making this up!

How 'bout moose and squirrel?

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