(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
Some future parent to some future baby: "DON'T POOP NOW! Your diaper is installing an update!"
« March 11, 2023 | Main | March 13, 2023 »
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
Some future parent to some future baby: "DON'T POOP NOW! Your diaper is installing an update!"
Five eerie pictures that 'prove time travel exists' with experts around the world baffled
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Is "baffled" more, or less, than "gobsmacked?"
Poor Britons forced to eat squirrels, says Russian TV
(Thanks to Steve Partridge)
Eating This Hallucinogenic Fish Can Make You Trip For Days
(Thanks to EricY)
Two pigs, one goat on the loose in Illinois county
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "I saw TPOG open for Kevin Bacon's band.")
Code compliance official finds alligator in North Carolina attic
(Thanks to John Lobert and Ralph)
Ghost of 'Green Lady' captured 'smiling' at haunted Glasgow pub in chilling image
(Thanks to Allen at Division, who says "we're totally convinced.")