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January 18, 2023


A couple in California accidentally trapped themselves inside a pair of newly purchased dog crates.

(Thanks to Alan Dean)


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Aren’t dog crates the safest place to be during earthquakes, nuclear attacks and during elections?

My puppy refused to be put back in his crate for bedtime.

He was charged with resisting a rest.

Speaking of crates...

The nurse in the hospital gave me an entire crate of the wrong medicine AND it was outdated! I almost died!

I got a bad case of poison I.V.

Some folks just take Boxing Day a bit too literally.

Seems the dog is the smartest of the three of them.

And the amazing part is that they were chihuahua crates.

This would have made a great rescue call for the TV show Emergency!

This week on The Stupid Family!:

Mom and Dad lock themselves in new dog crates! And teach little Billy and Susie the value of reading instructions!

And this makes news?

In California the crates are known as “quaint” or “efficiency houses” and have a Zillow estimated value of $650,000.

Seems to be a misunderstanding of the term "doggy-style"

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