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January 17, 2023


Bringing cake into the office should be seen as being as socially unacceptable as inflicting passive smoking on your colleagues, Britain’s top food watchdog has said.

(Thanks to Charles Cates)


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You just need to keep abreast of popular confectionary treats...

Dear Professor Susan Jebb:

Mind your own business. I eat fries from McDonalds as often as I can. I love the great salty taste. And, while I'm now retired, and no longer go to an office and take part in office birthday parties, I'll eat cake whenever I want, especially if it's free and home-baked.

And, in case you missed it, some politicians in D.C. now want to ban gas stoves. Come and try.

https://www.masslive.com/news/2023/01/planters-seeks-drivers-to-promote-peanuts-in-nutmobile-cross-country.html Well, I suppose if you had a hotdog allergy, you might want to consider applying for this job in stead of driving the Wienermobile.

Who inhales cake passively?

Funny that there don't seem to be that many passive smoke issues when it come to MaryJ.

@Ralph: Exactly. No way around passive smoke, but one can certainly choose to not partake of sweets.

I'm guessing she hands these out to the kids on Halloween.

Don't make light of the dangers of secondhand frosting.

*Conference room door flies open*

Alright, drop those cupcakes and put your hands up against the wall! Now!! From now on, you only eat these broccoli muffins, got that?

Can we be shot instead?

I once experienced severe frowning when I showed up to a meeting of mostly millennials with a big box of donuts. It sure left plenty for the Baby Boomers.

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