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January 16, 2023


5:42 a.m. While out walking his dog, a man got into a fight with a bush.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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It was likely Jenna Bush Hager who refuses to wear underwear over her,uh, well you know...

Should have seen it coming when he walked the dog right near the bush. They're known to be very argumentative.

"11:52 p.m. While checking out some reported suspicious activity in a parking lot, an officer found two people working on their car, another walking their dog and a fourth smoking." ...I can understand the need for a cigarette if you're walking 5/4 of a dog, but what does that even look like?

cfjk, I wish I owned half of that dog.

I call that shoddy journalism. Who won?

@PW: I dunno, somehow owning 5/8 of a dog doesn't seem all that much better.

Fighting a bush...that's a thorny problem. heh.

And what the hell does the phrase...

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", really mean???

Some kind of sick perversion!!!

"Down goes Photinia! Down goes Photinia! Down goes Photinia!"

The good news is that the bush didn’t burst into flames. We’ve got enough religions already.

So if the snowblower ran out of gas, how did it go rogue? Shouldn't it have just sat there motionless?

A Whomping Willow?

Beware the shrubbery!

Never bring a dog to a bush fight.

Also, never drive the wienermobile into a tree as the tree usually wins.

@Florida Man

Old but relevant...

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