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December 29, 2022


Single men stink more than married ones — and women can smell it: study

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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But can they sniff out the difference between a single man and a single man in a dog costume?

HEY...I'm married and I smell.

Have they made the connection between the typical diet of single men and the odors they emit?

Linked midway through article, some mood music while applying looking for a fun night out hoping to find a single man with the 'stink'. 'vab'.

Stink. It's a lot like vab, but for you men. A little dab will do 'ya, and how. Also available in handy creme tube applicator.

They are especially wary of the ones who smell like a parental basement.

So who says women don't change men once they've married them?

Is their singleness a cause or effect?

Fastidious academic publications like the NY P0st should always be your no. 1 source for scientific info.

(Snork @ ripleysparrow!!)

Women like men that smell like money.

Speaking as a woman, which I am, you can also tell a man is married just by looking at the t-shirts. A married man's shirt will still be clean and white after 15 minutes. A single man's t-shirt will be stretched out at the collar and have jelly and beer stains on the front of it after about 5 minutes. If a married man does drop something on the front of the shirt he'll get upset. A single man will just look at it and go, "huh".

I think nc is making note of the difference between men who could be married and those that won't be married.

I was in a recording studio once when some of the musicians ate a lunch of ramen noodles. The young guitarist actually removed his white shirt before he ate so his wife wouldn't give him heck for coming home with greasy soup stains on it. But at that point, one begins to wonder (to paraphrase Simone de Beauvoir) if the shirt is for the man or if the man is for the shirt....

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