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December 29, 2022


Have You Ever Experienced Dead Butt Syndrome?

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Funny you should ask! I'm experiencing it right now.

Here's the cure...

I don't, but I have pre-dead-butt syndrome, more commonly known as a lead arse.


Senior Custom Content Producer

Beccy [BEH-KEE] (she/her) is a tea-drinking, book-hoarding, animal-loving science writer. She has a PhD in Biological Science from the University of East Anglia, where she spent 4 years trying to determine the early sex genes in Bemisia tabaci (the mosquito of the plant world).

We *need* Dr. Becky here on the Blog.

In my 20s to early 30s I rode my bicycle a lot. As I got older, I experienced the scourge of DBS more frequently, along with its counterpart, tingling genitalia syndrome. Then I heard that it was a real hazard for long distance riders. So, I took to the couch.

" the gluteus medius falls asleep and forgets to send important signals throughout your body "

... Like " Don't tailgate " , or " Don't roll through stop signs ".

Get off your fat ass and move around the room once in a while. Problem solved.

Also known as Disk@rdashianosis.

I'm just like you, I've basically searched on google forever but still can't kind of find any information five nights at freddy's unblocked, does anyone for all intents and purposes know information that you can share with us, which mostly is fairly significant. thank yo, or so they mostly thought.

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