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December 31, 2022


Collected by 95 home dryer vent cleaning franchisees of Dryer Vent Wizard International, the company set the Guinness World Record for largest dryer lint ball collected, with a respectable 690 pound mound. They then had a group of firefighters from Farmington Hills, Michigan burn the ball to demonstrate just how flammable dryer lint is, and raise awareness about its danger

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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On behalf of the whole dryer lint collection and disposal community, um, ..... thanks?

Up next:
World's largest flaming hairball.

They should have split it in two and added it to Burning Man.

"Guys at 'work!'"

So at what point do I worry about spontaneous dryer lint combustion? I'm guessing my dryer is at about 650 pounds now. I'm I still safe?

Seriously, I have heard of the issue, and frankly I am so cheap that I clean out the dryer lint traps frequently just to keep my utility bill down, but if you have 690 pounds of lint in your dryer vent, you may have issues that go beyond home safety.

I live in Farmington Hills MI and all our first responders are great. I wish I was there when our fire chief announced "Okay, I need a few volunteers to send a 690-pound ball of dryer lint up in flames."

Also, this was Ray Bradbury's first idea when he began writing Fahrenheit 451.

Once again I am grateful that smells cannot travel through the Internet.

@- padraig So you haven't got the update?

and what about the largest belly button lint ball??

♫ He's a dryer vent wizard
There had to be a twist

A dryer vent wizard built
Such a ball of lint ♫

Were they accepting toe-foo donations?

Once again, belly button lint is ignored!

I don't worry about such. I buy a new dryer every two weeks and these delivery people take care of my lint problem when they haul the old dryer away. Sort of like buying a new car because the ash tray is full.

Wow that is even bigger than the dryer lint I saw at Appliance Repair Waco https://www.appliancerepairswaco.com/

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