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December 24, 2022


When he was asked to pay by the shop worker, Willis dropped his shorts and underpants to his ankles, exposed his penis and said: “Can I pay with this?”

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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"What do you mean you don't take paypal."

I take from the story the guy was a little drunk at the time and is also confirmed to be slightly nuts and has numerous priors. It is safe to assume He is also a mentally challenged perverted idiot, Solicitor Heaven.

5* har! to man tom

And the cashier said...

You must have misheard me.

That'll be a buck.

"I'm sorry, you're a little short."

And the manager said: "Sorry Sir, but we don't allow our employees to accept tips."

"But, your honor, I was just reenacting the "'Scuse me while I whip this out" scene from BLAZING SADDLES."

The shop worker should have told him that the last guy that tried to pay that way was a lot bigger than he is and he turned him down too.
Whenever a drunk patient tried to get my opinion on his stuff I'd always tell him the buy in the next room was much bigger. It worked like a charm although some of the drunks cried.

And the cashier said...

"Why the long face, Mr. Elephant Man?"

And the cashier said...

" Mr. Elephant Man, I don't know how you guys breathe through those things."

"The defendant was identified through CCTV, which recorded the incident .. He pleaded not guilty to the offence after being charged and was convicted after a trial, and ordered to pay court costs of £350."

How'd that plea work out for you, Bubba?

Defence solicitor name we want to make mention of: Gary Heaven
Perp's name: Guy Willis .. can't say Willis without Willy

He should have gone for a plea deal where the fine is levied by the inch.

"Sorry, sir, but we don't take small change."

He should've turned around.

That would be a hard NO!

No, we don't have a layaway plan and you can't make a deposit.

I take it he was not an up and coming member of the community?

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