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December 30, 2022


...you need to believe us.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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So what your really trying to say here is that brain size and penis size are linked?

@Elaine Benes Negative correlation.

404 Error - Page found.

@Elaine: This is a variation of Beckhap's Law (beauty times brains equals a constant).

In this case, it's penis size times brain size equals a constant.

Elaine Benes - you might want to re-word that. Not quite the insult a vagino-American probably intended it to be.

Well, he DOES have a small penis, so a small BRAIN would assume what he did was a GOOD idea, (n'est pa?) and by the way a Nappy You Here to all!

Maybe the hospital with send him a Christmas/You're dying of lung cancer card?

All the evidence leads to the conclusion that this person has, or had, a small p*nis and a small brain, but if the theory is "Small p*nis=small brain," what does that suggest about the roughly 50% of people who are born without a p*nis? No p*nis=no brain?

I believe that would suggest that they aren't men.

Regardless of the size of the thing, too much gobsmacking it results in blindness. However, I am told that you can gobsmack until you just need glasses. And there are some real nice styles of eye wear these days. However, watch out, do not comment about another persons personal activities just because he/she is wearing eye glasses. And I think there is little research done on the effect of gobsmacking on females. Stay tuned.

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