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December 27, 2022


It was a holiday behind bars for a man who allegedly struck his girlfriend in the head with an “angel figurine” during a Christmas morning confrontation in the couple’s Florida residence, police report.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Those things should not be in.......

GWB "Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.", ...But every now and then all hell breaks loose and there's some collateral damage.

Every time an angel figurine is used as an assault weapon, a prison gets a new felon.

She must have gotten him underwear and socks for Christmas again.

A good lawyer will claim angel blame and win.

wanderer, it might have been a box with the Liberty Mutual logo on it.

Frankie, you broke the unwritten law. You ratted on your friends. When you do that Frankie, your enemies don't respect you. You got no friends no more. You got nobody, Frankie.

Was the figurine inscribed “Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men”?

Frankie Caldwell -->
Clankie lard flew ..no reflection on our own Clankie
Clanked Firewall
Fæcal drink well
Carnal killed few
Wild anal freckle
Lewd anal flicker
Fink recalled law
Decaf Lawn Killer
Face all wrinkled

Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before your bad azz is hauled off to jail, baby

I had twenty people at my house on Christmas Eve so I could understand if he lost it in the same situation. I myself yelled at two family members. One for a reason I can't go into here and another because they let my dog out and we spent an hour chasing her down. I'm going to the Bahamas next year.

loves nursecindy a margarita

@nursecindy: Next year, do what Mrs. wanderer and I did: We took care of providing all the food but everyone gathered at my sister-in-law's home. When we'd had enough of everyone, we packed up the leftovers and left.

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