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December 27, 2022


South Korea lifts ban on imported sex dolls

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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It looks like she’s ready for her court deposition.

Thus giving North Korea even more impetus to attack.

So now South Korean Customs officials will have to buy their sex dolls the way everybody else does? The glasses are a nice touch though.

Such a touching development.

If these had been available to Otto last week, there wouldn't have been any snafus with the airlines.

I saw the Imported Sex Dolls open for John Denver in Australia...

When you pull the string in back, it wants to talk about its horrible day and complains of a headache.

This is protectionism to benefit their domestic sex doll manufacturers.

Actually, the Korean government is notorious for its protectionism against all sort of foreign imports. I once worked for a company that sold a product the Korean government pretty much demanded we tell them exactly how to make. I lied to them, they couldn't reverse-engineer it, and they eventually stopped buying from us anyway.

There's really nothing to worry about morally. These new sex dolls are so realistic, they only want to be "just friends" with the men who buy them.

Is there a 3rd date rule with these things?

Those South Koreans will have to be cautious when kissing their girlfriends good-night not to cross their legs or they could break her glasses.

@Rod - They are also accused of stealing delicious, patented, Japanese-engineered strawberries and growing and marketing them as their own.

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