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November 29, 2022


An audio clip from the hit children's film Toy Story 3 has left internet users up in arms after a TikTok user claimed that they could hear the movie's Ken doll using a very rude expletive - while others insisted they hear nothing but an innocent exclamation.

(Thanks to Roberto)


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Probably just a stray empty ketchup bottle fart.

Is that Breast Enhancement Barbie in the video?

You should have heard some of the things my Ken said back in the day.
If you get offended because you think an animated Ken has said or done something offensive, you may need help. Now.

I thought one f-word took you straight to PG-13, which is not the place for that film to be. Ken and everyone involved would get the proverbial Bernz-o-matic applied to their nether regions (which I think is the executive producer's job, or they may have people for that).

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