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November 29, 2022


It's here! We're sorry.


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Dave, apparently the Three Wise Guys disliked squirrels just as much as you do.

In Dave's defense, he IS in the pool.

On the plus side, the list doesn't include a gift certificate for an extended warranty.

Brilliant! Who wouldn't be impressed by the winner of the Nobel Prize for Cutlery? I know I want those finger chopsticks.

It is not possible to expresses the spiritual gift of not giving any better.

It's all fun and games until someone pokes their eyes out with those chopsticks.

Dear Santa,

Thanks for suggesting the swim trunks. Daddy will be up for parole in 2027.

A Yoga Jane I know will certainly appreciate a gift of some Yoga Joes.

My eyes were filled with tears of laughter while reading this: "Who doesn’t love a fun toilet prank that potentially could cause heart failure?"

Thanks! I needed that.

My Christmas shopping is now done!

My order for the disintegrating swimsuit is in!

The problem with the Pop-Up Snake Toilet Prank is that guys have to put the lid down to begin with.

It's not just the gifts, but the writing. Tears of laughter in my eyes for Yoga Joes .. especially since a grandson seems to have a game controller glued to his hands.

Thanks, Dave.

Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like an Exorcist Action Figure.

Batteries and green pea soup vomit not included.

Sorry Dave, once again I am blocked from enjoying your work because I don't subscribe to AD's. I have NEVER purchased anything from an AD without doing research on the product. Hence, the AD blocker.

So this is what Secret Santa is all about.

Hookers and Blow Save Christmas

It's a good time to invest in the disintegrating swimsuit company since we're in a bare market on Wall Street.

I remember when a local newspaper photographer tended to be an old guy with a weird sense of humor, wearing a tweed newsboy hat and a vest full of pockets. Apparently there has been a pronounced increase in the hubba-hubba quotient for that career field.

Yay! I made it in life. I was mentioned in a Dave Barry article. I can now die in peace.

Wow, Secret Santa, is this list published somewhere else, like YouTube maybe? Really don't want to have to subscribe to the Miami Herald to be able to read this. Looks like a lot of people are having fun but bet there are a lot more that aren't. How's everything in Miami, Harold?

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