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November 25, 2022


Venezuela man, 79, turns up in emergency department with a beer bottle stuck up his butt — and tells doctors 'thieves put it there'

(Thanks to DaninDallas)


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Perhaps the Loch Ness Monster put it there.

A creative variation of "that's not my bottle."

Ironically, I had a friend who kept one up there so thieves couldn't swipe his last beer. The gerbils objected, so he stopped doing it.

I have a very tasteless comment I'd like to add here but I just can't do it. However, sometimes because of things like this, sh!t doesn't happen.

Wow, three angry men indeed.

Didn't Three Angry Men open for Kanye?

In his defense, the thieves were probably too stupid to realize it had a twist off cap.

I once saw a article in an ER journal about a patient presenting with a Buzz Lightyear action figure stuck in his rectum after his partner passed it up there and Buzz’s “wings” deployed. I told my wife and her sister (who was hard of hearing and refused to wear her hearing aids) about the item. Sister in law asked, “Why in the world would anybody put a Bud Light beer in a place like that!?”

In his defense, square grouper just won't fit in there.

So only a quarter of the 12 Angry Men were required for this caper?

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