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November 09, 2022


Man figures out how many cans of SpaghettiOs it takes to write the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy

(Thanks to Robert Moats)


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Big deal. Let's see him do it with the tax code.

Only 8,795? I've been told it would take an infinite number of monkeys to write the works of Shakespeare. You'd think they'd be better at writing than cans of SpaghettiOs.

I liked the part where the giant spider attacked and Sam yelled "Look out Mr. Frodoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
He may have paraphrased a bit there.

I think that question was on the 1966 SAT.

Thus earning this years coveted "Chef Boyardee" award.

Better than actually eating them. Ettore Boiardi must be rolling in his grave at the yuck being sold under his name.

Somebody needs to tell him that he no longer needs to shelter in place.

Time well spent.

THIS is what I was thinking about. Not at all what this guy did.

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