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November 29, 2022


An Arizona middle school teacher has resigned from the district and was banned from OnlyFans after she filmed pornographic material in her classroom.

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)


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In her defense, that's not an easy thing to do on an overhead projector.

Sometimes science experiments can get crazy.

If you carefully listen to her video you can pick up student/teacher concept subtleties suggesting Samantha Peer/Khloe Karter has access to some really powerful drugs.

Also in her defense, this holds the kids' attention a lot better than a PowerPoint slideshow would.

I remember being shocked once after seeing a teacher at the grocery store. I just assumed that when we all went home they just stayed at school and waited for us to come back. I had no idea they had actual lives away from school. Something like this would have completely blown my mind.

Geez, I used to have to stay after school frequently for my Arnold Ziffel imitations and general caustic comments from the back corner of the room.

I wish I could turn back the clock and get punished after school by this teacher.

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