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November 25, 2022


4:08 p.m. A septuagenarian at the hospital was hitting on orderlies.  

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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For some reason when I think of Flathead County I picture a town full of Gladys Kravitz's either hanging out of their windows watching everybody or leaning on their mailboxes doing the same thing.
As for the septuagenarian hitting on the orderly, this is why G-d gave us Ativan.

3:53 p.m. A man was concerned after he met a man from a dating app only to realize the other date was straight. Both people were understanding at the time even though the date was “not what either of them thought they were getting into,” but the first man started to feel he had been lured into a nefarious setup.
...fifteen minutes later:
4:08 p.m. A septuagenarian at the hospital was hitting on orderlies. I bet there's one hell of a story in those intervening fifteen minutes.

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