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November 28, 2022


Your search is over.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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This is apparently a step up from sleeping with the fishes.

Herpetologists often hear:
"Is that a snake in your pocket or you're just happy to see me?"

At this point in time, wouldn't it be easier to just get a glass lid for the toilet bowl?

I've heard that these beds are very popular in HELL!
I wouldn't even go shop at a store that carries these. Even if they were at a great Black Friday price.

I saw this on Hitchcock.

What nursecindy said.

When your kid insists there's a monster under the bed.

Today I learned what a herpetologist is. It was NOT what immediately sprung to mind.

Why does it have to be snakes?

Keep your friends close. Your snakes closer.

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