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November 08, 2022


‘Flaming basketball’ that fell from the sky may have been a meteor that destroyed a California home

(Thanks to Robert Moats)

We for one did not know that there were basketballs in space.


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If he can locate the meteorite it's probably worth more than the house, the truck, and the trailor combined and rescue dogs are pretty cheap.

Seems to me I saw something like this in " War of the Worlds ". Are we sure we aren't dreaming ?

We for one did not know that there were basketballs in space.

Far be it from me to correct the Blog, but have they not heard of SPACE JAM?

Has anyone seen Michael Jordan lately?

Talk about a dunk posterizing somebody....

Flaming basketballs, Chinese drones. The most logical explanation is that the dog spontaneously combusted on the porch. Once the fire reached the gas barbeque, the whole place went up.

I heard Flaming Basketball perform a cover of "Great Balls of Fire."

Didn't Great Balls of Fire open for Jock Itch?

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