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November 24, 2022


We’re thankful for you. Don’t ever change. Or stop taking your medications.


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Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

I am thankful for many things, including Dave and this blog.


Happy Tryptophan Day, all!

...and to all my fellow turkeys, Gobble! Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Only 30 shopping days left until The Year in Review! Veganism Now!

Happy Thanksgiving. mrs man tom's idea of a great song.

Happy Thanksgiving, Dave and fellow bloggers. Thanks for the laughs. We need them!

I think I can speak for all of us, we're thankful for U2.

Last night I was searching for a good recipe for my turkey. I found this and thought I would share.

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Stuffing, giblet gravy, sweet potatoes, pecan or pumpkin pie.

But the best part...


We indeed have much to be thankful for, not the least of which is the humor you all bring our way.

Happy Thanksgiving, you turkeys!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, BlogFamily! I am grateful for all the laughs and humor lo these many years. My best to you and your family, Dave. You bring us all such joy!

Thankful for the blog and Dave. I read the blog before reading anything else when I wake up in Alaska. Starts my day off just right. Pass me a turkey thigh and some cranberry sauce.

Medications? What is this medications?

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Ms. man tom has asked that I relax this holiday season and try not stressing out, but more importantly, I should control my Cortisol production.

This is great of her. Several women in my past have told me if I can not control the parts of my brain which control's my mood, motivation, and fear they were going to leave.

Si if you have health problems, including:

Anxiety and depression
Heart disease
Memory and concentration problems
Problems with digestion
Trouble sleeping
Weight gain
and just generally always wanting to fist-fight someone,

you may want to consider this advice like I am forced to.

So to have a really Happy Holiday this year, take mine and the mrs' advice (I am forced to) and relax a lot this holiday season so as to not produce too much Cortisol.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all. I’m thankful for the blog, the comments, the almost daily laughs.
@Jane : do you read the blog even when you don’t wake up in Alaska?

Happy Thanksgiving! Don't let the turkeys get you down!

It was 44 years ago today that WRKP's Turkey Drop episode was first broadcast.

"With God as my witness, I thought those turkeys could fly!"

Man tom, all I want for Christmas is glands.

True story: While Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Japan, when I went into my local supermarket today, I was greeted with signs plastered all over the meat section that said BRACK FRIDAY.

We had chili and tamales. It was a good day. Merry Thankmas!

Too late for the meds request, Maybe next time.

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