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November 09, 2022


75-year-old leads cops on 112 mph chase — and blown out tires didn’t stop her, cops say

(Thanks to MOTW)


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She must have been late to the bingo parlor.

"Why are you pulling me over for doing 112? The sign says the limit's 115 on this road!"
"Ma'am, that's not the speed limit, that's the state highway number."

* slightly stolen *

A moonshiner's daughter, no doubt.

Deputies said they spiked her vehicle seven times.

All you want to do is ride around Sally .. ride, Sally, ride

I wonder if she is related to Mr. Toad.

She heard about that golfing thing where you get bragging rites if you shoot under your age, and thought she'd try a similar logic applied to driving a car.

Rumor has it she demanded to be strip searched & cavity searched when arrested later admitting she had heard jail sex was really hot.

The sign said Fine for Speeding.

Her short term memory failed after she reached 60.

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