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November 28, 2022


A contemporary pop artist known for transforming The Simpsons in his art says he could take action against Cardi B for recreating his work in a Halloween Instagram post. Italian artist aleXsandro Palombo claims Cardi B was never authorized to use his art for her Oct. 31 post, in which the rapper portrayed Marge Simpson in a dress cut out on the backside to expose her butt cleavage.

(Thanks to Robert Moats)


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They cracked the case = it was an open and shut case even with the crack in it. No legal briefs were required.

“Does this dress make my butt look big?

In her defense, she thought the party had a solar system theme, and she was dressed as a sarcastic homage to the blue planet Uranus.

It's sexier on Marge than on Cardi B.

What, you've NEVER seen a lady plumber before?

Finally got this right:

"Nursecindy, crack investigative reporter tells that plumbers are frequently seen dressed in this fashion and the judge concluded no fashion foul was committed. Case closed and no legal briefs were required."

There, that's better.

So true Captain11
This Italian artist AleXsandro Palombo should send Cardi B a thank you note. If it wasn't for this story I wouldn't have ever heard of him and I have a feeling this is probably true for a lot of other people too.

I showed this story to my neighbor cause he is a plumber and said "If they make a calendar from this he would like to buy a copy to put in his shop." He also commented that it was about time the fashion world recognize the professionals of his stripe and the 'plumber's cleavage' would be an acceptable part of the job when in a client's home. Then again some of the guys might like to wear one while around the shop. Can think of maybe on a Friday after work they have a party and show off their latest cleavage to the rest of the plumbers. Female plumbers would be limited to butt crack only entries to keep it a fair competition.

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