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November 30, 2022


Camels battle it out in Qatar beauty contest

(Thanks to Barry Nester, who says “Wait till you see them in bathing suits!”)


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As a human I wouldn't feel qualified to judge a contest like that. Although maybe some humans would.

You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
Everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me

Is there a wet hump t-shirt contest?

Why is it that the winners in beauty contests are often suspected of humping the judges?

One camel said: "Don't step on my toe".

In Qatar, every day is hump day.

So to qualify as a camel beauty contest judge, one needs to be able to distinguish the difference between a moose knuckle and a came toe?

I'm not clicking on that link. I did so on a past post that exposed the practice of injecting plumper in camel's lips and there were some horrific photos of poor camels where their lips had literally exploded from over-injection. Wish I could unsee that.

Wondering if there's more of a cosmetic surgery market in Qatar for doing camels than people.

Do camel beauty queens sleep to the top in Qatar? Because all those guy looked keen.

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