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October 26, 2022


Man lives in shopping centre for four years by making 'secret flat' in unused room

(Thanks to Rick Day)


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Squirrel Man sighting?

Kinda gives a whole new vibe to that "secret shopper" thingy.

Don't know what malls are like where you all live, but around here people could live at our mall for a long time without being discovered.

Each day I say the words, "I can't believe what my eyes just saw." Or, "look at this, how stupid is this?" Or, "take a look out back, there is a guy with no clothes on." Or, "there's a guy living behind the door in a cardboard box, he probably has a play station."

Each day I say the words, "I can't believe what my eyes just saw." Or, "look at this, how stupid is this?" Or, "take a look out back, there is a guy with no clothes on." Or, "there's a guy living behind the door in a cardboard box, he probably has a play station."

He spent most of that time in the check out line at WalMart.

Since Clankie was able to post a comment does this mean that the blog is fixed?

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