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September 29, 2022


Cow dung speakers

(Thanks to Nelson from Michigan)


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Christmas is coming!

Washington is just overrun with these.

Progress through innovation.

More cow dung! I want to be able to smell the reaper.

Mrs man tom has a friend, Vivian (pronounced Wivian) who's husband's name is Dung. A while back I informed mrs man tom 'dung' is cow poop. She was not aware at the time. So what does she do, goes to her friend and says my husband said your husband's name means cow poo. So Wivian (written as Vivian) tells her husband, "your name means cow poo." He says, "no it doesn't my name means hero."

His name is Dung Phan. Pronounced Dung Fun. I like, Hero Fan.

The smell is Blink 182?

This sounds like a nefarious Holstein plot to deflect from their involvement in Global Warming.

I heard these once in the store. I didn't buy them. They sounded like excrement...

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