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September 30, 2022


A venture capital firm funded by the CIA has officially placed its bets on bringing back extinct species like the woolly mammoth and the thylacine,

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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Tylacines are SOOOOO cute, with their 6-inch fangs, and the delightful way they can unhinge their jaws to faster dismember their prey! When can I get one?

One can only hope that CIA types are REALLY tasty.

Can we still get odds on bringing back the pterodactyl?

Apparently they've already brought back the dodo bird, and that's who's running this operation.

And besides, isn't In-Q-Tel the outfit that sells old greatest hits records on TV? They're already resurrecting extinct species that way.

Extinct species like FDR?

Its like they've never watched JURASSIC PARK......

I watched Jurassic Park for the first time a few weeks ago. Now I don't even want a plastic dinosaur in my house! I was pretty happy to see Wayne Knight get eaten but only because Newman on Seinfeld was so annoying.

As long as they don't bring back William Casey.

I absolutely refuse to pay any more taxes until they bring back the velociraptor.

...and it will offset climate change! Is there anything the CIA can't do?

Just another preemptive intelligence gathering mission so we can be prepared for the next mammoth invasion.

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